
Tennessee DMV Written Test Cheat Sheet (TN) 2025

Your secret key to unlocking the written test! Random Tennessee DMV test questions and answers with study aids!

  • 30 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 6 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 13 drivers

Tennessee Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 30
  • Correct answers to pass: 24
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Safety (DOS) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Tennessee drivers manual Drivers Manual

Using our 2025 Tennessee permit test cheat sheet to support your work with the DMV study guide is by far the fastest and most effective way to prepare for the DMV written test. This advanced Tennessee DMV cheat sheet shows you precisely what taking the real general knowledge exam will be like, while also give you the option to ‘cheat’ during difficult questions. Every road rule, pavement marking, traffic signal and road sign you may be asked about during the Tennessee DMV written test has been covered in this comprehensive written test cheat sheet, to make sure no vital information has been overlooked. If you are keen to get your hands on a learner’s permit and excited about the prospect of learning to drive, set your feet on the path to success with our free TN permit practice test today.

Besides the fact that you will have the option to ask for assistance while working on this Tennessee permit test cheat sheet, it closely mirrors the style, format and challenge level of the real DOS 2025 written test. In accordance with official DMV test parameters we have included 30 multiple-choice and ‘true or false’ questions on this TN DMV written test practice quiz, most of which target the road rules, road signs and traffic signals sections of the permit test study guide. You may also encounter some questions on alcohol awareness, traffic violations and other less important but otherwise essential subjects. Passing the real DMV written test for Tennessee learners will require at least 24 correct permit test answers. The same is true of our free TN drivers license written test cheat sheet, though it does not matter how long it takes to hit that score.

Most DMV permit practice tests cease to be useful as soon as a student has identified all the correct Tennessee written test answers. Our DMV cheat sheet is different, as it will generate a brand-new test with a new set of DMV TN written test questions and answers each time you re-set it. While technically possible, it is incredibly unlikely that you will ever be assigned two identical DMV written practice test quizzes while working on this cheat sheet; there are enough driving test questions and answers in our database to cover everything in the permit book, several times over.

Our Tennessee DMV cheat sheet does differ from the real 2025 DMV written test in that it offers students the chance to ‘cheat’ when they get stuck. You will have no option to cheat or ask for help during the real permit test, but you should not be reluctant to do so here. In addition to making the TN DMV practice permit test less stressful, having the ability to access this support will accelerate your progress in the run-up to the real assessment. The DMV cheat sheets study aids can be used separately or together; hitting the ‘50/50’ option will take out half the incorrect DMV test answers listed next to the current Tennessee DMV written test question, while choosing ‘hint’ will allow you to view a clue about the correct solution. As well as using these study aids, you should feel free to look up information in your Tennessee drivers permit book at any point while working on the cheat sheet. If you continue to study rules of the road and road signs while paying attention to the feedback provided during this TN practice permit test, you should gradually become less reliant on extra support with each new round on the cheat sheet.