
New Hampshire DMV Permit Test Cheat Sheet (NH) 2025

Beat the DMV at their own game! A FREE New Hampshire DMV cheat sheet with hundreds of questions for the 2025 New Hampshire permit test!

  • 40 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 8 Mistakes Allowed
100% of students found this test helpful!
Rated 5.0 out of 5 by 1 drivers

New Hampshire Permit Test Facts

  • Questions: 40
  • Correct answers to pass: 32
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Vietnamese
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official New Hampshire drivers manual Drivers Manual

Working with this NH permit test cheat sheet is by far the fastest and most effective way to memorize road rules and road signs in preparation for the DMV test. This advanced New Hampshire drivers license practice test includes learner support features and enough DMV questions and answers to cover everything in the driver’s manual. Using the NH DMV cheat sheet alongside the study guide will reinforce your theory knowledge, cut back the time it takes to prepare for the assessment and make your driver’s education far more enjoyable! With the NH DMV practice test cheat sheet, passing the general knowledge driving exam will be so easy that it will almost feel like cheating.

In many ways, our New Hampshire DMV permit test cheat sheet is just like the real permit test you will take at the DMV office. It includes a total of 40 multiple-choice questions and will award a pass when at least 32 correct DMV test answers are entered. We have chosen our NH driving test questions and answers carefully, to ensure every major subject is addressed. Mirroring the real NH drivers test, our 2025 DMV cheat sheet will pose questions on road rules, road signs, traffic signals, pavement markings, traffic violations and driving laws. As they are largely sourced from real exam papers, our New Hampshire DMV test questions are indistinguishable from those you will answer during the assessment. The only difference between this DMV practice test for New Hampshire learners and the real driving test is that this quiz lets you ‘cheat’ your way to the correct DMV written test answers.

Participants using this NH DMV written test cheat sheet benefit from unlimited access to two lifelines that are present on every page. Click either of these tools when you are not certain of the correct solution and wish to ‘cheat’ to find the right response. The ‘hint’ tool will bring up a clue about the road rule or road sign being addressed, while the ‘50/50’ tool cuts away half the answers available to choose from. Following a few rounds on this New Hampshire DMV practice test, you should start to notice yourself becoming less reliant on the lifelines. Eventually, you will be able to pass every round on the free DMV cheat sheet with minimal support.

It can take a while to build up to consistent passing grades with this NH DMV permit test cheat sheet, as every round will present you with a different set of written test questions and answers. The NH DMV test practice quiz has been programmed this way to ensure it covers as much information from the driving manual as possible. Our knowledge pool contains enough material to address all the key information in the study guide; all you need to do it complete the cheat sheet as many times as you can before sitting the actual permit test. The passing grade on the general knowledge exam is 80%, but we recommend aiming for consistent scores of 90% or above on this New Hampshire DMV written test practice cheat sheet, just to make sure your knowledge is up-to-scratch.

Try to cut back your use of the support features a little with each new round on this NH DMV knowledge test cheat sheet. If you find the presence of the lifelines too great a temptation to resist, head over to the free DMV exam simulator to attempt a New Hampshire driving practice test that does not allow access to support tools.