
Washington DOL Commercial Drivers License Cheat Sheet (WA) 2024

Looking for Washington state CDL knowledge test questions and answers? Try this CDL permit test cheat sheet!

  • 50 Questions
  • 80% Passing Score
  • 10 Mistakes Allowed
90% of students found this test helpful!
Rated 4.5 out of 5 by 11 drivers

Washington CDL Test Facts

  • Questions: 50
  • Correct answers to pass: 40
  • Passing score: 80%
  • Test locations: Department of Licensing (DOL) Offices
  • Test languages: English, Spanish
  • Based upon: Washington State CDL Manual
Improve your chances of passing the test by reading the official Washington drivers manual Drivers Manual

If you’re trying to get hold of CDL permit test answers for the 2024 DMV written test in Washington state, we can help you! Join the thousands of commercial driving students from Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Bellevue and all over WA state who are passing their DOL permit test first time around, with this amazing DMV cheat sheet! There is no denying that reading the Washington state permit study guide for 2024 over and over again can be heavy work, particularly if you’re not a fan of learning that way. Unfortunately, until now there has been no other way for students to make sure they’re up-to-speed with all the permit test questions and answers they need. But thanks to this CDL general knowledge cheat sheet, there is now an easier way!

You will still need to read the WA DMV handbook, we are not saying our DMV practice permit test can act as a total replacement. What we are saying is that you no longer have to rely exclusively on reading the permit book to get you ready for the test. Just so long as you have gone through the Washington state permit test study guide at least once, in detail, this DMV written test 2024 WA quiz will get you the rest of the way. But surely, you will need to use the commercial learner drivers manual to find the answers to this quiz – right? Well, not if you don’t want to! If you are familiar with the material laid out in the DMV handbook, you’re in a good enough position to start learning with this 2024 CDL practice test.

You won’t need to use the permit test study guide while you’re working on this CDL general knowledge practice test for Washington state, because we’ll help you find the correct answers if you get stuck! That’s right, if you run into any DMV test questions which you are unfamiliar with or you don’t understand, we’re not going to abandon you to figure it out all by yourself. Instead, you can use the test’s built-in tools to “cheat” your way out of the problem! Understanding that most commercial driving students want a full-length, realistic DMV practice test for WA state that also gives them access to extra support, we created the DMV cheat sheet to do just that! You can work your way through the quiz under your own steam, but if you run into trouble the “hint” function allows you to request more information, or the “50/50” function will remove half the incorrect answers. There is no limit to the number of times you can use these tools throughout the DMV practice test 2024 WA cheat sheet – you can activate them both on every question if you want to!

In every other way, this quiz is just like the CDL permit test for Washington state. It contains 50 multiple-choice questions which are focused on different aspects of the permit test study guide. As online quizzes go, this DMV CDL practice test WA quiz if more realistic than most, using predominantly genuine questions taken from real exam papers. Just like our other free CDL practice tests, you can use this quiz as many times as you want to without any charge. Whenever you restart the test, a new set of permit test questions will be drawn from our database! You’re unlikely ever to receive the exact same test twice and you definitely won’t get bored of answering the same, tired questions.

Take the Washington state permit test cheat sheet for a test drive now, then move on to the Simulator quiz when you want something harder!